Welcome Back, IAPE Slack!

Once upon a time, IAPE had a membership Slack platform where members posted about union events and industry news. After several years, use fell by the wayside and IAPE Slack went into the vault.

As contract negotiations between IAPE and Dow Jones have continued, members have expressed renewed interest in a space where they can gather, talk, and build community ties.

Well, you’ve asked and the Contract Action Team (CAT) has answered!

Today, we announce the new and improved IAPE Slack.

This space will be moderated by a group of members serving on a rotating volunteer basis with the support of IAPE staff. There are currently a handful of channels geared to maximize your access and coordinate collective actions. This space is what you make it.

To sign up, please fill out this Google form and keep an eye on your personal email address for an invite.

Thursday: Register for Open Bargaining
IAPE and Dow Jones negotiators will resume contract talks on Thursday. This week, the union expects management to deliver a new proposal and perhaps to respond further to comments delivered by WSJ Reporters during last week’s bargaining session.

All IAPE members are welcome to attend this virtual meeting. See your email to register; invitation links will be emailed prior to Thursday’s negotiations. And remember: select one of our backgrounds or avatars and display support for your bargaining team!