New IAPE Officers Elected

On January 28, 2022, the IAPE Elections Committee delivered to members and posted a Special Election notice seeking nominations for the vacant union positions of Vice President - CWA Delegate and Secretary - CWA Delegate. The nomination period has now closed.

The Committee has received one nomination for each vacancy and has confirmed the eligibility of those nominees.

The Elections Committee has declared Laura Casey elected to the position of IAPE Vice President - CWA Delegate and Joshua Jamerson elected to the position of IAPE Secretary - CWA Delegate. They will assume their new offices immediately and will serve their terms through November 30, 2023.

Join the IAPE Board!
The IAPE Board of Directors still has a few vacancies, and depending on where you work or what you do for a living, you might be just the person we’re looking for to be a representative for your colleagues!

The IAPE Board currently has Location Director vacancies in the Northeast (New York and Boston), Southeast (Washington, DC; White Oak, Md.) and Midwest (Chicago and Detroit) regions, and is looking for a member in Sales or an Administrative title to fill our Classification Director - Advertising/Admin role.

If you’re interested in joining the union Board, contact IAPE president Jodi Green.

Wednesday: Join us for IAPE 101
Do you have a question about IAPE officers or your elected union representatives? Are you wondering about the IAPE/DJ contract? Are you a newcomer who isn’t really sure what it means to be represented by a union?

If you have a few minutes to spare on Wednesday afternoon, we might be able to provide you with some answers.

Please join us for our IAPE 101 class—an introduction to your union. We'll share some basic IAPE information, as well as some insight into the benefits of belonging to a union and how IAPE represents you as an employee of Dow Jones & Company.

See our Events Page to register—Zoom links will be emailed to attendees shortly before Wednesday's class.

Can't make it Wednesday, but you still have some questions about IAPE? Feel free to send a note to or contact your local IAPE rep.