Survey Part 2: Vaccines? Masks? Testing?

IAPE members delivered great responses to last week’s survey about Dow Jones plans to reopen offices—including suggestions for questions about three key Covid topics: vaccines, masks and testing. Today, we ask for your feedback on those items with this short follow-up survey. Once again, your responses will better inform IAPE representatives as we continue to discuss pandemic-related items with management.

Union Board of Directors Update
The IAPE Board of Directors met via Zoom on Saturday to discuss all union business, from ongoing attempts to negotiate with Dow Jones over Covid benefits, to deciding whether to proceed to arbitration over union grievances. Directors approved new social media guidelines for the union as well as a new internal document retention policy. Representatives from across the union also heard updates about IAPE’s labor board complaint against Dow Jones. 

Union Bylaws require IAPE directors to meet at least twice each fiscal year, but your elected reps are involved with all union matters on a regular basis. Currently, there are three vacancies on the IAPE Board: location director positions in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions, and a classification director seat for members in Sales and/or Administrative titles. If you are interested in becoming more involved with your union and would like to find out more about becoming an IAPE director, please send a note to

Still Tweeting About Working From Home
If you haven’t had a chance to send along your home office photos or comments about the challenges you—or you and your family—have faced in a work-from-home environment, we’re still sharing that news. Email your submissions to, and we’ll tweet your words and images (anonymously) to IAPE followers!

Tomorrow: IAPE 101
What is a union? How did I end up in one? What are the benefits of being in a union? How does IAPE work? IAPE 101 is a half-hour(ish) presentation designed to answer all of these questions and more. A new member orientation for those brand new to IAPE and a refresher discussion for veteran members, all members are welcome in this class. Register today on the IAPE Events page.

Reminder: CWA Scholarship Deadline April 30th
The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation will award 16 partial college scholarships of $4,000 each for two years. CWA members, their spouses, children, and grandchildren are eligible for the scholarships, including the dependents of retired, laid-off, or deceased members. Applications are available only online at the Foundation's website. The final deadline for the 2021-2022 school year is 11:59 p.m., EDT, Apr. 30, 2021.

The NewsGuild: Subscribe to our Newsletter!
Stay on top of Guild news by registering for TNG’s newsletter, a monthly roundup of items from around IAPE’s parent union. Subscribe today, and check out happenings affecting members at other media outlets, at