Candidate Post: Diversity within Dow Jones and IAPE - Jodi Green

Hello fellow IAPE members!

Since I talked in my last post about Diversity of departments within the officers and board of IAPE, I thought it a good idea to talk a little about diversity in general.  Especially because it’s on the forefront of most people’s minds these days.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know I had hoped that the current events happening in our country and around the world would start to finally change things and progress.  Of course, that’s not to say that it hasn’t or won’t, but it seems like any change is moving at the pace of a snail.  


Our country is the epitome of diversity.  Dow Jones needs to address all diversity issues and come up with plans to fix the problems present within the company.  I feel it’s up to IAPE to hold the company to the promises that they make to their employees regarding an equal workplace.  Did you all know that we already have a Diversity Committee in place?  Now, more than ever before, that committee is of the utmost importance.  Under my leadership, I would like that committee to grow and expand.  I would like those that place diversity at the top of their list of concerns to join that committee.  I want that committee to become a LOUD voice that works with the company but also pushes the leadership of Dow Jones to not just listen to the concerns of its employees, but to make solid plans so that all employees feel like they are being treated equally, paid equally and being respected as the individuals they are.

Feel free to reach out to me either through this my website, and clicking on the Contact button, through email at, by giving me a call at 973-760-5860 or attending one of my zoom sessions, which you can find under the Events tab on the website.

Let’s get LOUD!
