Candidates For IAPE President to Debate on Oct. 15

The IAPE Elections Committee is holding a debate next week between the two candidates running to serve as our next union president. The debate between Jodi Green, Content Ops Specialist in Princeton, and Stephen Nakrosis, Rewrite Editor in New York, on Thursday, October 15 at 2 p.m. ET via Zoom.

Candidates will answer candid questions from the committee during the first 15 minutes of the debate and the following 20 minutes will be open to members to ask questions. Members who aren’t able to attend can submit questions for the candidates to the Elections Committee

Before the debate, you can learn more about the candidates by going to the IAPE website and clicking “Elections Updates” to read the blog posts they’ve written about why they are running for union president. 

The election will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association via paper ballot sent through mail to members’ home addresses starting Monday, Oct. 5. Ballots will be due back to AAA’s headquarters in New York by 5 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Nov. 4.  (Members will receive one ballot to vote for president and to cast their “yes/no” vote for the Dues Referendum). 

If you have any questions about the election for IAPE president, please reach out to the Elections Committee (

In solidarity,

The IAPE Elections Committee
Kimberly Chin (Chair), Jonathan Randles & Haley Velasco

Members can register for the debate on the IAPE events page. This event will take place over Zoom and meeting information will be emailed to registered attendees via calendar invite the day before the event. Registration will remain open until the debate starts at 2 p.m. ET on Thursday October 15.