
2016-19 Contract Booklets Available Now

The New Contract Books Are Here!

It's black and white, and — the cover, at least — is red all over.

But you should read it all over, too.

We're talking about the new IAPE/DJ contract booklets, which just arrived and are being distributed to IAPE members starting this week.

Members in New York can pick up contracts today (Wednesday) from IAPE president Bob Kozma. He'll be at the seventh floor tech barsixth floor coffee bar between 11:30 AM and 3:30 PM.

Bob will be at the Princeton tech bar tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.

Members in other locations will receive contract booklets from IAPE Location Directors and stewards. Shipments should start arriving this week and next.

The new IAPE/DJ contract runs through June 30, 2019 (unless either the company or the union choose to opt out of the final year of the agreement). New booklets contain all new and modified provisions from last year's protracted contract negotiations: new comp time recording processes, new schedule change language, annual raise amounts, new standby pay rates, new vacation sell-back rates, healthcare cost projections for U.S. employees, and more.

If you can't find an IAPE director with copies of the contract or if you work in a location without IAPE reps, but would still like a contract book, contact the IAPE office and we'll make sure you receive a copy of your own as soon as possible.